Observance of Human Rights in the context of counter terrorism
ODIHR assists the participating States to bring the policy into compliance with international standards on human rights in the context of counter terrorism. Thus, the ODIHR Program on human rights and counter-terrorism has facilitated development of the training module on human rights and counter terrorism, as well as a manual "Counter terrorism and protection of human rights" (available in English and Russian). The training module provides comprehensive guidance on the fundamental principles of international law in the area of human rights and on the standards for high-ranking politicians, government officials and practitioners. A manual, which contains a description of applicable human rights standards and best practices in combatting terrorism, serves as an independent resource for the specialists in the development and implementation of the strategy, and additional material for drafting the curriculum of ODIHR. Altogether, they provide a solid foundation for the key course in this area.
Taking into consideration this perspective, the ODIHR has conducted a series of activities in Central Asia, which contributed the states to realize the necessity of encouragement and protection of human rights while preventing and countering terrorism. In April and December 2009, the Program on Human Rights Observance and Counter Terrorism together with the OSCE offices in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have held two roundtables dedicated to understanding and addressing the issues of radicalization and violent extremism, leading to terrorism in these countries.
In addition, the ODIHR and the OSCE Office in Tajikistan (OiT) in December 2009 had jointly organized the training on human rights and counter-terrorism for the instructors of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and the Highest School of the State Committee for National Security. It was assessed positively by the participants. They expressed their interest and willingness to cooperate on these issues in the future, and asked the OSCE to provide further assistance in the development and implementation of the training module on human rights and terrorism in order to integrate it into the standard curriculum of the MIA Academy.
Therefore, the ODIHR and the OSCE OiT had a close cooperation during the project development, based on local needs and conditions. They have agreed the various stages and events of the project in July and December 2010. During the project development and needs assessment, the MIA Academy has confirmed its commitment to cooperate while implementing this project.
The project is implemented in close cooperation with the OSCE OiT, and therefore, complements those specific activities that are carried out by it in the country. In particular, the project is based on the broad knowledge gained in the result of implementing programs on counter terrorism and police reform concerning local specifics on combating terrorism, as well as on already formed relationships with key national partners.

Capacity building of local staff
The capacity building of local staff for development and implementation of effective policy in the area of human rights protection and facilitating trainings and practices on combatting terrorism in Tajikistan. The OSCE Office on Democratic Institutes and Human Rights (ODIHR) assists participating States in strengthening their compliance with international human rights standards in the context of counter terrorism.