Public Council members held informational session on police reform for population of Murgab and Darvaz districts

PC members held a meeting in Karkul village of Murgab district on 28 September 2017, which brought together 43 residents, such as village leadership, teachers, doctors and labor veterans.


Public Council members held informational session on police refrom with the population of Maschohi Kuhi, Ayni, Panjakent and Isfara districts

Public Council members held a meeting in Shamtuch village of Ayni district on 15 September 2017. Some 60 residents of the village and 2 local district police inspectors attended the meeting.


Public Council members held informational session on police reform for population of Laksh and Tojikobod districts

Iinformational session about police reform was held for residents of Sarigon village of Lakhsh district on 16 September 2017. The event was attended by 37 local residents.


OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe holds meeting on gender mainstreaming

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe organized the first meeting of the sub-working group on mainstreaming gender into police reform under the Ministry of the Interior (MIA) on 25 September 2017. The meeting took place on the premises of MIA and gathered all members of the sub-working group, which includes both civil society organizations from the regions of Tajikistan working on gender issues and representatives from the MIA and the Committee on Women and Family Affairs.