Common Approaches to Threats and Challenges to Security
The evolution of the SALW and CA in Tajikistan began in 2004 when the Government has addressed OSCE to provide support in ensuring physical security of country’s arms and ammunition stockpiles, as well as in destruction of surplus amounts of small arms and light weapons (SALW&CA). By the time of ExB project completion in 2009, tens of tons of ammunition and some 30 000 pieces of small arms were destructed, national capacity for SALW&CA destruction created, more than 60 storage facilities built/renovated throughout the country for all law-enforcement agencies involved in implementation of the programme.
The UB project that followed in 2009 had a two-folds approach: first - to create national training capacity on SALW and CA physical security and stockpiles management, and the second – to elaborate and amend national legislation on incidents response, in order to have a coordination mechanism in place when incidents related to the use of SALW and CA occur.Tajikistanwas the first country in the region, where efforts on establishment of such a mechanism were discussed and planned for implementation by the OSCE.
Amendment of SALW&CA guidance documents
Within 2010 - 11, a working group from representatives of national law enforcement agencies has been established, with the aim to amend and improve the existing training modules/executive directives on SALW&CA stockpiles management and bring them in full compliance with the OSCE Best Practices on SALW&CA. As the first priority, the group has reviewed and amended guiding documents on SALW&CA physical security, adding important sections on transportation and handling of known type of arms and ammunition. The activity was completed by the end of 2011.
In 2012 the Office continues to improve capacities of Tajik law enforcement agencies through provision of amended training modules, based on international standards and the OSCE best practices on SALW&CA.
Council on Incidents Response
In order to respond to incidents related to the use of SALW&CA, and to support the country in establishment of a unique coordination mechanism on SALW&CA incidents response, the Office in 2010 gathered experts from all relevant agencies of the country in a working group; Based on review of related documents, the group initiated elaboration of a document on creation of a Council on incidents response, which would serve as a coherent mechanism to coordinate responsive actions to SALW&CA – related incidents. As a result, Government of the country issued a resolution #230 in April 2011, on “Creation of a council for responding to SALW&CA-related incidents”.
The final goal to achieve is to have an entity, provided with a variety of functions, not limited to incidents response, but also training and assessment capacities, which will ensure stability of situation with arms and ammunition in the country.
Confidence and security building measures
In 2003 the Government of Tajikistan officially requested the OSCE to assist in developing projects in the area of promotion of Confidence and Security Building Measures.