Public Council members held informational session on police refrom with the population of Maschohi Kuhi, Ayni, Panjakent and Isfara districts

Public Council members held a meeting in Shamtuch village of Ayni district on 15 September 2017. Some 60 residents of the village and 2 local district police inspectors attended the meeting.

The members of PC informed the participants about the progress of the police reform progreamme implementation in Tajikistan, as well as familiarized them with the Law of Tajikistan on Police and ethics code of the policeman. During the meeting the PC members distributed informational materials about the police reform to participants. At the end of the meeting participants of the meeting exchanged questions and answers related to police reform.

A meeting was held in Obburdon village of Maschohi Kuhi district by PC members on 16 September 2017. It brought together 30 residents of the village and a local district police inspector. The PC members briefed the participants about the police reform programme and strategy and familiarized them about PC’s function and its partnership with the OSCE. Also the participants were informed about the concept development of police interaction with the community, the National Law of Tajikistan on Police and other activities undertaken in the framework of the police reform programme. At the end of the meeting participants asked questions and got answers to them by the PC members. All participants received informational materials about the police reform programme in Tajikistan.

An informational meeting was held by PC members for residents of Amondara village of Pejikent district on 19 September 2017. The meeting was attended by 38 residents, including the leadership of the village, as well as local district police inspectors. The PC members briefed the participants about the strategy, program and plan of the police reform in Tajikistan, as well as informed them about the planned changes and improvements to be carried out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) in the framework of the police reform programme. During the meeting the participants found out about the responsibilities of district police inspectors, their role in maintaining public security and strengthening the interaction between police and community. A short video about the activities of district police inspectors was presented to the participants. The participants were interested to know about the expected changes and improvements in the work of police after reform. They recommended considering ethics and communications trainings for police in the future.

PC members held a meeting in Vorukh village of Isfara district on 21 September 2017. Some 43 local residents, 6 police officers, Deputy Chief of Directorate of MIA, the Chief of the POM-Vorukh and Chief Officer of the State Committee of National Security in Vorukh attended the meeting. The PC members familiarized the participants with police reform programme and changes to be carried MIA structure. Also, PC members informed the participants about the work of district police inspectors and their role in maintaining public security, as well as strengthening the interaction between police and community in identifying crimes. The meeting participants watched a short video about the activities of district police inspectors and received informational materials about police reform and PC.
