Public Council members held informational session on police reform for population of Laksh and Tojikobod districts

Iinformational session about police reform was held for residents of Sarigon village of Lakhsh district on 16 September 2017. The event was attended by 37 local residents.

The PC Chairman informed the participants about the functions and activities of PC and familiarized them with the objectives of police reform program in Tajikistan. He also briefed the participants about the interaction between police and community and called on them to take an active position in the implementation police reform programme in Tajikistan. At the occasion, local police inspector reported about crime rate in their village and measures being taken to prevent crime among youth. The police inspector informed the participants about the tendencies of radicalism, extremism and terrorism and association of youth with terrorist groups. The chairman of village also asked each participants to share their obtained knowledge with their relatives and friends. The participants thanked the PC members for organizing the meeting.

PC members held a meeting with the residents of Mazori Poyon village of Tajikabad district on 16 September 2017. The event brought together 30 village residents. The PC members informed participants about the activities of PC in involving citizens and public organizations for implementation of State policy in prevention and identification of crimes and offences. The participants gained an understanding about radicalism, extremism and terrorism and association of youth with terrorist groups were familiarized with adopted Law on the National Strategy for Combating Extremism and the Law on Combating Terrorism. At the end of the meeting headmaster of local school addressed the participants and assured that educational activities will be carried out to raise awareness of schoolchildren about mentioned issues.
