Public councils contribute to police reform

November 7-9, 2018, members of the Public Councils for the Police Reform under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for GBAO and the Rasht Region, as well as with the heads of departments in cooperation with the police, organizations and public councils on the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Program Office The OSCE in Dushanbe and the international organization Seyferworld organized and conducted a three-day training seminar.

Training sessions were organized and conducted during the implementation of the program of reform of the police of the Republic of Tajikistan, the activities of Public Councils, the functions and responsibilities of members of Public Councils, the Code of Conduct for members of Public Councils, ways to increase awareness of the activities of Public Councils, forms of cooperation with the community and public organizations, reporting district police inspectors, which is one of the ways to increase the role of Public Councils in cooperation between police with society.

Training sessions were organized and conducted at the Yavroz sanatorium. 26 members of the Public Councils for the Promotion of Civil Society of Police Reform and assistants of the departments for cooperation with the society and public organizations gathered, showing their high skills, shared their work experience and exchanged with other participants of the seminar.

The conclusions of the Council members on the work done by the district inspectors and the public showed that public confidence in the law enforcement system, especially with the police, is expanding its cooperation and interaction, and gives impetus to intensifying further joint work with the Public Councils. Participants expressed that the new knowledge will help to make a significant contribution to the process of democratization of the society, crime prevention, increasing the legal awareness of citizens, preventing the entry of citizens by extremist and religious parties, immoral and unlawful acts, as well as protecting public order.