A talk show “District inspector: who is he?” was shot on October 26, in Khatlon region, in the city of Kulyab with the participation of Public Council members, inspectors from the districts, cadets of the Kulyab Police College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and local experts.
The issue of interaction of the local inspector with the community members was discussed during the broadcasting. Another topic of the discussion was on changes in the scope of activities of the district inspector as part of the police reform in the country. Inspectors shared the challenges they face in their everyday job including lack of cabinets/offices, necessary equipment, and vehicles.
Participants also noted that an increase in the number of women-local police inspectors in law enforcement agencies will contribute to the effective fight against domestic violence. With the advent of female inspectors, a trust will increase, and society, in particular, women will begin to turn more often.
The OSCE Program Office in Dushanbe supported talk show, with the aim of increasing the image of the local inspector in a community for the successful implementation of police reform in the country as well as strengthening cooperation and raising awareness on the activities of Public Councils.